Suspension Policy

Suspensions, Withdrawal and Cancellation Of certification Process Conditions for Suspensions, Withdrawal and Cancellation of Registration/Certification

Registration may be suspended for a number of reasons, all of which relate to non-compliance with the Certification Criteria.

  1. If Corrective Action Requests have not been closed out within the designated time limit.
  2. If a case of improper use of the Certificate or misleading prints or advertising, is not solved by suitable interactions or other appropriate remedial measures by the registrant;
  3. Surveillance Audits are not conducted as planned after sending three written notifications at a gap of 1month.
  4. Client fails to comply with due settlement of financial obligation of WSC.
  5. Client goes out of business


A Certificate may be withdrawn in the following cases.

  1. If inadequate measures are taken by the company in the case of suspension;
  2. If the company fails to comply with the due settlement of its financial obligation
  3. Client goes out of business
  4. Client does not wish to continue / renew the certificate.

If either of the above applies, WSC has the right to withdraw the Certificate and will inform the company accordingly.The company may give notice of appeal (refer section on Appeals). No reimbursement of Assessment fees will be given Procedure..The client shall not identify as registered in the scope that has been offered under a suspended Certificate. An official suspension of a Certificate will be confirmed in writing by WSC to the client. ..At the end of the suspension period, an investigation will be carried out to determine whether the conditions for reinstating the Certificate have been fulfilled. On fulfillment of these conditions, the suspension shall be lifted and the company notified of the Certificate reinstatement

Any apparent contravention of Certification Criteria will be brought to the attention of the Manager Certifications or Manager Operations who then investigates the report. Should the result of the investigation reveal non-compliance with Certification Criteria, and then a letter will be sent to the client company outlining the non-compliance details and requesting their correction within an agreed and reasonable period of time, and explaining that their registration may be suspended until the corrective action is completed. Such letters are copied to the CEO at WSC office....Should the necessary corrective action not be taken within the agreed period of time, and then a further letter will be sent to the client company, informing them that their registration is suspended. In such cases the client will be asked to return any relevant certificates and schedules, and withdraw from use any letterheads, business cards, etc that indicate WSC registration and they will be informed of the conditions under which registration can be reinstated. Such letters are copied to the Mg. Partners/CEO at WSC office.Cancellation of Certificate...If the corrective action is still not completed by the client within a further agreed and reasonable time period, then a further letter will be sent detailing the fact that their registration with WSC is cancelled. Such cancellation of certification will be published in the most appropriate manner, e.g. national newspapers, trade journals, etc. Such letters are copied to the CEO at WSC office and the client will be formally deregistered and their details removed from the Master Database.All costs incurred by WSC in suspending and reinstating the certificate will be charged to the client.